Friday, September 19, 2014

Wash. Post: Rep. Wolf Asks Justice Dept. to Open Investigation into USPTO Timekeeping

According to this story in Wednesday's Washington Post, Rep. Frank Wolf (R, VA) is asking the Justice Department to open an investigation into allegations that patent examiners at the USPTO are "cheating" taxpayers by claiming to have worked hours that they did not actually work.

Frank Wolf (R, VA)

Although he represents a substantial chunk of Northern Virginia, Rep. Wolf's district does not include the USPTO, or the neighborhoods in Alexandria where most of the examiners that are based in the "home office" live.

According to the Post, 
In recent years, the patent office has addressed the vast majority of time and attendance fraud by requiring cheaters to go into counseling and occasionally suspending them, according to officials at the agency with knowledge of its employee-relations practices.
Really - "the vast majority?"  "Vast?"  How often has this happened in "recent years?"  This language certainly seems to suggest that "time and attendance fraud" is rampant at the USPTO.  And that the USPTO knows about it, as they apparently have a counseling program set up to deal with offenders.  And if, as the article suggests, this sort of thing happens all the time, shouldn't Rep. Wolf be discussing this with the USPTO, rather than the US Attorney's Office?

Thanks, Washington Post, for clearing all that up.  Sheesh.  

1 comment:

  1. Go into counseling? The patent examiners, supervisors (SPEs), directors, judges, clerks, OPLA, OED, etc. are cheats and liars. They should lose their jobs! As a former Examiner, time theft and cheating were rampant before we even moved to the new building over 10 years ago.

    Also, many patent office employees live in Clarke, Fairfax, Frederick, and Loudoun counties; as well as, Manassas, Manassas Park, and Winchester where Wolf is a Congressman. Rep. Wolf has every right to be angry that the vast majority of the PTO has been defrauding the federal government.
