Wednesday, September 24, 2014

This is the kind of thing that makes people angry, but they shouldn't be.

According to this story in the Hollywood Reporter, the organizers of the "Rocky 50K Fat Ass Run" have knuckled under to a threat of trademark suit from MGM and will rename their event, a race which is to roughly track Sylvester Stallone's route from "Rocky."  This article from the Philadelphia Enquirer details a reporter's efforts to figure out the "actual" route that Rocky ran in the movie, which involved a fair amount of creative filling in between scenes.  My favorite line from the article: "Nothing is more South Philly than a flaming barrel."

Now, here's the thing.  The average person reading the article about MGM squelching this cool event is going to react negatively.  Because MGM comes across like a bunch of assholes pissing on what sounds like a harmless, fun event.  But it seems pretty clear to me that the organizers screwed up by not asking permission in the first place. I bet if they had gone to MGM, and linked the run up to some worthy charity, they could have gotten a freaking sponsorship from MGM.  They might have had to drop the "fat ass" from the name of the race, which would be a loss, I grant.  But still.

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