Friday, May 23, 2014

USPTO Channels Proust in the Federal Register

Last week, the USPTO issued a Federal Register notice entitled "Revisions To Implement the Patent Term Adjustment Provisions of the Leahy-Smith America Invents Act Technical Corrections Act."  Nice title, right?  It gets better.  Check out this sentence:

The Office is further providing an optional procedure for requesting a recalculation of patent term adjustment, as an alternative to the petition and fee otherwise required to request reconsideration of a patent term adjustment determination, for patents issued between January 14, 2013 (the date of enactment of the AIA Technical Corrections Act) and May 20, 2014 (patents issued on or after this date will have patent term adjustment determinations consistent with the AIA Technical Corrections Act) that resulted directly from international applications.  
 Got that?  I hope somebody gets some recognition for that sentence.  

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