Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Alabama banker thinks Alabama's anti-troll law is not enough

Say "Alabama Banker" and this guy's image will pop into your head
Scott Latham, the head of the Alabama Banker's Association, is very happy that Alabama has a new law making it a crime to send a demand letter in bad faith.

In an unsurprising development, Mr. Latham thinks the Federal Government needs to get its act together and pass it's own anti-"troll" law.  He'd like to see the law include:

1. A requirement that demand letters include more detail about the alleged infringement;
2. Protection for "end users" (otherwise known as "actual infringers;" and
3. A "loser pays" provision that would undoubtedly require plaintiffs to post big bonds when they bring suit, a requirement found nowhere else in U.S. civil practice.  

I'm sure Congress is going to get right on that.  Next year, maybe.  

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