Thursday, August 7, 2014

Monkey see, monkey do, monkey generate intellectual property?

You lookin' at me?
If a monkey grabs my camera and takes a picture of himself, do I have any rights in the picture?  Does the monkey?  Does anyone?  You can read about the controversy here

Basically, photographer David Slater was taking pictures of monkeys.  He left his camera alone for a minute, and the monkeys grabbed it and started messing with it.  The picture posted above was taken by the monkey shown in the picture (yes, it's a "selfie").

Slater is asserting copyright in the picture.  Web denizens, including Wikimedia Foundation, disagree.

This is such a simple problem.  All Slater needs to do is give the monkey a banana.  The monkey took the picture using Slater's equipment, for which the monkey was remunerated.  Work for hire!  

Problem solved.

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