Thursday, August 21, 2014

Interesting copyright enforcement model

Rightscorp Inc. (website) is a company that describes itself as
dedicated to the vision that digital creative works should be protected economically so that the next generation of great music, movies, video games and software can be made and their creators can prosper.
Which is nice, I guess.  Rightscorp says that it "monitors the global Peer‐to‐ Peer (P2P) file sharing networks to seek out and find illegally downloaded digital media."  When it identifies someone making an unlicensed download, it arranges with the relevant ISP to send the customer a notice demanding royalty payments.

So far, so good.  

It's what comes next that's interesting.  According to TorrentFreak (I know, right?), Rightscorp is negotiating with major US ISPs, including Verizon and Comcast, to redirect all of the accused pirate's internet traffic to a page demanding royalty payments.

Due process?  Not so much.  

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